Moment of Conversion

Moment of Conversion


Freedom from the grave,

by the power of Christ’s voice, his life was saved.

Fallen and failing,

shrouded in darkness,

Dead and blind and deaf,

Not expecting any answer,

Since silence only ever spoke before,


Something stretched my soul beyond simplicity of sight,

searching for faith or grace or truth,

Somehow I begged to hear.

Salted droplets of death

drenched my stubborn face,

Head pounding filled with lies believed

through years lived in blackness of sin,

hands grasping at air that gave no utterance

of hope of truth of freedom from sin,

full of fear and rage and hate

and everything I now know as evil

and tears pouring down–

Suddenly silence stood still.

Shaken from the grave by the power of His voice,

My life was saved.

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